Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ipod Shuffle

Tonight I am thankful for my ipod shuffle. It helps me get through my runs in the morning. I would be lost without it!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Vacuum cleaner

Today I am thankful for my new vacuum cleaner. I am thankful that it almost makes cleaning FUN!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Tonight our ward held our quarterly Bishop's Youth Discussion; a.k.a. youth "fireside". We had such an awesome youth turnout! The bishop spoke about leadership traits, tasks, and skills. He also spoke about being morally clean (D&C 121:45). I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know the youth and feel uplifted.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


This morning I baked an apple pie to bring to the annual Stake Fall Fair Day. While on my way to submitting my pie, I spied a booth that looked to be making donuts--similar in shape to Krispy Kreme donuts (my favorite might I add--per my dad, I used to call them "Kispy Keme" donuts). After I dumped off my wares, I stood in line (20 minutes!) for a "spudnut"--a donut made out of potatoes! It was really tasty and had a maple glaze on it. Today I am grateful for the opportunity to try new things!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Today our office said farewell to the Matthews family, who are currently on their way to Germany. We enjoyed a nice luncheon at Hana Tokyo in their honor. We ate sushi, salad and tempura. I am grateful for chopstick and the opportunity to teach my officemates a thing or two about Japanese traditions.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Internet T.V.

If you know Jared and myself well, you know that we do not have cable television. Not only does it save us $70.00 a month that most "normal" people are spending on the boob toob, it saves a lot of wasted time in our house. However, I have been enjoying some evenings watching A&E shows on the internet. Tonight we watched "Hoarders" after a quick family home evening lesson, and I am thankful for the chance to spend time with Jared doing so.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Clean sheets

Today I am grateful for clean sheets and a wonderful husband who washes the laundry and folds it, too!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


This morning was a little disappointing for me, so I went on a nice 4-mile run around a trail close to our home. As I rounded a bend that leads to the last leg of the route, I passed a nice elderly couple walking together. I didn't have headphones in my ears, so I loudly said "good morning" to them, and listened to their response. The older man said "Good morning...God bless you today!" He reminded me that Heavenly Father is very mindful of me, personally, and it completely made my day. I am so thankful for good, kind, Christian people, who (although differ in religious specifics) share the same morals and values as myself. I don't think that man realized how much I needed to hear that! Today I am thankful for that man!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today I am grateful for my garden hoses in the front and back yards. I water the flowers and fill up the bird baths nearly every morning, and I am grateful I do not have to haul water up from a well or river!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Missionary Program

Tonight my husband is out spending time with a 19-year old who just got called to serve a 2-year Argentine mission for our church. Jared served in a nearby mission (nearly 12 years ago!) and thought he might have some words of wisdom to share with this young man. I am grateful for the missionary program and how it teaches people to grow physically (in a good way!), intellectually, culturally, and spiritually while serving the Lord. I am also thankful for my husband for setting a good example and serving an honorable mission!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Have I mentioned yet that I am grateful for our refrigerator and freezer? I cannot imagine life without the ease of stocking up on food, a glass of cold milk with cookies, and ice (not in block form!).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fast Sundays

Today is not fast Sunday, but we are fasting. Jared may have the opportunity to be assigned to a billet that would PCS us to another state by the 2nd of November--less than three weeks from today. It is a billet that would allow him to: capitalize on his interests and the ideas/concepts he has studied over the years (undergraduate and graduate degrees), deploy, work a joint-forces tasker, learn a new language, learn a new culture, strengthen our international brother's and sister's military forces and "fight the fight" as a Marine.

Fasting has three purposes. First, it provides assistance to the needy through the conrtibution of fast offerings, it is a benefit to us physically, and it is to increase humility and spirituality individually.

We are fasting today, that J will be selected, and that the selection panel will feel confidence in his credentials and impressed by his desire to serve and volunteer for such a task. We also prayed that if he is selected, we would continue to do what is right--read our scriptures, pray, etc. that we might be a good example to those around us. Finally, we prayed that I would be able to make arrangements as necessary and with ease. Today I feel that H.F. is helping me to feel at peace with the idea, mostly because it would require such a quick move and it is right in the middle of my thesis course (not to mention that J would be gone for more than 12+ months at a time, on and off for three years!). I pray that he will be selected because he has such a desire to be a part of the efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, because this job would be right up his alley and it is one at which he would excel. If you read this, say a prayer for him!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Today I am grateful for our vehicles and how they help tote everything and everyone around. I am grateful for the fact that they are not breaking down or falling apart--and even LOOK sorta well-kept. Today my car carried me to a church activity, to a mall in Tucson and back, and to the grocery store. Life would be so hard without a vehicle.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Big Comfy Bed

Today I am grateful for our big comfy bed. I read, sleep, eat, and do homework all in our bed! I am thankful for our nice home and the comfortable things we have inside of it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Quiet time

Today I am grateful for enjoying private quiet time. Jared allowed me to take some personal time this evening, in which I had the opportunity to read, to work on my thesis in peace and to reflect upon the business of the day. I am thankful for his thoughtfulness.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today I am grateful for some PCSing friends for sharing their pantry with us (since they can't pack and ship it). We received everything from frozen fruit and veggies, to baking flours and flax seed, to fish sauce and rice vinegar. I am thankful they thought of us and knew that we would use their offering!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Today I am grateful for my crockpots and this yummy BBQ chicken I was able to prepare with them. Notice it is plural: my first crockpot was placed into storage when we moved to Japan. I missed it so much, that a few months in I ordered another crockpot and had it shipped to me in Okinawa! I am grateful for how easy they make dinner and the associated clean up!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Family Night Phantom

Jared and I started a tradition when we were first married, and this is the 5th year we are following through on it. Today I am grateful for the Family Night Phantom.

On the first Monday night in October, we drop 4-6 plates of goodies off to families in our ward. Attached to the plates are the following message:
The Family Night Phantom strikes again
On Family Night, the night for fun.
From us to you we leave this treat
To make your Family Night complete.
Next week's Family Night, it falls on you,
The Family Night Phantom's job to do.
Just pick two families (not on your street)
And leave a treat that's nice to eat.
Deliver the treat with special care;
Run back to your car and into thin air.
With the treat, leave leave this note at the door
So the Family Night Phantom can strike twice more!

We usually do a bunch of plates so that things get shaking and moving, so that by the end of October, when people get tired of it (or get hit weekly) and it dies off, most families with kids have had a chance to participate. So, tonight I am grateful for the opportunity to participate once more!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Conference

Today I am grateful for the truthfulness of the Savior's gospel, and the leadership of the Latter-day Saint church. I am thankful for the leader's testimonies, their inspiration and their examples. I am grateful for the opportunity to watch conference in my home.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rainy Days

Today was a rainy day. All day. I am grateful for rainy days and the excuse to do nothing on days like today!

Friday, October 2, 2009

BBQ Grill

Today I am grateful for our barbeque grill and the opportunity we had to enjoy dinner with friends. We all enjoyed some yummy steaks and some baked sweet potatoes. I am grateful for a peaceful Spirit in our home and the opportunity we have to share that Spirit with others!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ice Cream

Today and yesterday I visited one-on-one with a few of the Beehives (12/13 year old girls at church), whom I serve. We were able to enjoy Dairy Queen Blizzards. Today I am grateful for ice cream and the opportunity to get to know those lovely little ladies!