Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Give Thanks Challenge - Day 5

I’m thankful for stable employment.  Despite all of our military moves, Heavenly Father has always provided a way for my career to progress, probably because He knows how important this is to me. It has provided many happy memories and friendships and has also resulted in our ability to save for a rainy day and share with others.  

I moved into my current office the week before we were sent home to work remotely (owing to the pandemic), but it feels exciting to know that upon our return, I have a workspace that’s mine!

#givethanks #countyourmanyblessings

Monday, November 23, 2020

Give Thanks Challenge - Day 4

Cat snuggles are the best. I’m grateful for my kitties and the companionship they provide to me, especially when Jared is not home.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Give Thanks Challenge - Day 3

I would not be alive today without modern medicine.  Less than 100 years ago, Rh factor would have killed me off long before cancer or any other disease.  I’m grateful for the watchful care of medical professionals who have committed their lives to schooling, research, and practice.  It’s hard to put my gratitude for their devotion into words.  I’m also thankful for this physical body of mine that miraculously knows what to do if I give it the right fuel, adequate sleep, and proper motion.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Give Thanks Challenge - Day 2

I am deeply grateful for the beauty of this earth, for the variety of species and landscapes therein, and my ability to see it.  

Friday, November 20, 2020

Give Thanks Challenge - Day 1

This afternoon I received the gentle reminder from a righteous and inspired religious leader about the mental health and spiritual benefits which result from expressing gratitude and thanking God through daily prayer. (Watch the video from a man of both science and faith here.)

Guess it’s time to break out ye olde gratitude blog again! I actually felt prompted to pick this habit up again back in August, but I prioritized other things instead (i.e. bar prep consumed me...).  However, today is a new day, and that’s the beauty of this earth life.

Today, I’m grateful to know that God hears and answers my personal prayers through Jesus Christ’s intercession.  

#givethanks #countyourmanyblessings

This, Is My Savior, Natalie Jeanne Art.  Digitally-created artwork of the Savior, Jesus Christ, depicted as a person of color, surrounded by a green “V” laurel wreath.

This, Is My Savior

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Today I am thankful for stationery.  I took a walk in the rain after work and picked up some sweet washi tapes and a special Japanese letter writing set at the Penny Post in Old Town, Alexandria.  I love living within walking distance to so many neat shops and amenities.